From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Larissa Ione, comes HAWKYN, a passionate and spellbinding novella from the Demonica Underworld Series, brought to you by 1,001 Dark Nights!
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Author: Larissa Ione
Publication Date: 27 February 2018
Publisher: Evil Eye Concepts, Inc
Series: Demonica Underworld, book 5
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Age Recommendation: 17 and Up
Rating: 4 Stars
~ I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ~
Book Description:
From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Larissa Ione comes a new story in her Demonica Underworld series…
As a special class of earthbound guardian angel called Memitim, Hawkyn is charged with protecting those whose lives are woven into the fabric of the future. His success is legendary, so when he’s given a serial killer to watch over, he sees no reason for that to change. But Hawkyn’s own future is jeopardized after he breaks the rules and rescues a beautiful woman from the killer’s clutches, setting off an explosive, demonic game of cat and mouse that pits brother against brother and that won’t end until someone dies.Aurora Mercer is the half-wytch lone survivor of a psychopath who gets off on the sadistic torture of his victims. A psychopath whose obsessive psyche won’t let him move on until he kills her. Now she’s marked for death, her fate tied to that of a murderer…and to a sexy angel who makes her blood burn with desire…
**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it’s an introduction to an author’s world. And for fans, it’s a bonus book in the author’s series. We hope you'll enjoy each one as much as we do.**

My Review:
Things you should know: 1. I love 1001 Dark Nights Novellas. 2. This is one of my favorite Paranormal Romance series. 3. Larissa Ione is a go to- one click author for me. Knowing all that though don't let it color y review for you when I say that I loved Hawkyn, haha.
As always with these novella's it is a bit hard to truly review them in too much detail because it is too easy to easily give something away but what I can tell you is how emotional this read ended up being. This is a story about family and love with a dark edge that will have you griping your e-reader in anger and some frustration but also you will be sighing and cluthing at your heart as you watch these characters deal with emotions they never expected to feel, their desire for love, familial and romantic, and there hope for a better future. I adored Hawkyn, he's the 'angel' you want on your side in all sorts of fights. He has a heart of gold and the desire to help his fellow 'man'. There was just something truly special about him and I am hoping that we will see quite a bit more of him in future books as the Memitim navigate the new world that might be opening up to them.
Aurora was, gosh, she is just a great kick arse heroine. She's not going to let anyone take control of her life. She's the kind of heroine that while you are reading about her in the back of your mind you're chanting 'No one puts Baby in a corner!' This woman is going to live her life on her own terms and she is going to fight tooth and nail for that right, making her the perfect compliment to a man like Hawkyn.
Together they are a force and will, I am sure, be changing the direction of future Demonica books helping to keep it fresh and new with each book. I am so happy about that and truly can't wait for more. I also can't wait for those fans of this series to get ahold of this book and read the turmoil that is unfolding for a very special character, oh how my heart aches with both sadness and joy for said character!
As always with a 1001 Dark Night's novella you are safe to pick this one up even if you have never read a Demonica book before. I will say there area lot of stories that come before this one and you will meet a lot of characters that have already had their tales told..or are still working through them, You will likely end up wanting to go back to the beginning and meet everyone officially but if you stat here and now you won't be lost or disappointed so jump right in and enjoy!!!

“Let me see your wings.”
A smear of pink brightened his cheeks. “Memitim don’t have wings,” he said, which sounded like a convenient excuse. “Not real ones. But I have something similar.”
Before she could ask what he meant, a pair of misty, smoke-colored wings punched into the air behind him. “These allow me to move invisibly when I need to.”
Her mouth went dry with shock. He really was an angel. She was standing in the presence of a being she hadn’t thought was real. Heck, she had always been *this close* to being an atheist, despite the existence of demons which, some would say, proved the existence of God.
“Can I touch them?”
“You can try.” He shifted, allowing her access. “But your hand will pass through them. They’re made of shadow.”
She reached out, expecting to feel empty air, but instead her fingers felt...something. Something electric. He went taut as she stroked the apex of one of his ghostly wings.
“I can sense your touch,” he breathed. “You can...feel them?”
“Yes,” she said, in absolute awe that she was in contact with a real, Heavenly being.
Well, an earthbound Heavenly being, anyway. “They feel like warm water with an electrical current running through it.”
Curious, she concentrated on absorbing some of his energy through her palm, but nothing happened. She dropped her gaze to his perfect ass. Maybe if she touched a more solid part of his body...
“I don’t understand.” He stepped away, his expression one of genuine confusion.
“No one has ever been able to touch them. This is the first time I’ve gotten any sensation from them at all.”
Huh. Weird. “What did it feel like?”
“Like...a caress. Like they were real wings and they were connected to my—” He broke off and gave her a cheeky grin. “Never mind.”
Too late. Her gaze slid downward, and she drew an appreciative breath at the impressive bulge behind the fly of his jeans.

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Larissa Ione’s HAWKYN –Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:
February 28th
Brittany's Book Blog – Excerpt
Milky Way of Books – Review & Excerpt
Romancing the Readers – Review
March 1st
Feeling Fictional – Review & Excerpt
I'm A Sweet And Sassy Book Whore – Review & Excerpt
Reads All the Books – Review & Excerpt
March 2nd
Abigail Books Addiction – Review & Excerpt
Canadian Book Addict – Review & Excerpt
Under the Covers Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
March 3rd
Deluged with Books Cafe – Review & Excerpt
Jax's Book Magic – Excerpt
Literary Misfit – Review & Excerpt
March 4th
A Book Nerd, a Bookseller and a Bibliophile – Review & Excerpt
All Things Dark & Dirty – Excerpt
Jen's Reading Obsession – Excerpt
March 5th
Dirty Girl Romance – Review
Oh My Growing TBR – Review & Excerpt
Vagabonda – Review
March 6th
BTH Reviews – Excerpt
Sue's Romance Reviews – Review & Excerpt
The Escapist Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
March 7th
A Hopeless Romantic’s Booklandia – Review & Excerpt
Evermore Books – Review & Excerpt
Never without a book in hand – Review & Excerpt
March 8th
A British Bookworm's Blog – Review
Love Notes Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Reading Between the Wines Book Club – Excerpt
March 9th
A small girl, her man and her books – Review & Excerpt
Once Upon An Alpha – Review
The Romance Reviews – Review

Thank you so much! ~Jessica, InkSlinger PR