Author: Carrie Ann Ryan
Publication Date: 29 November, 2016
Publisher: Carrie Ann Ryan, Self-Published
Series: Montgomery Ink, book 6
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Recommendation: 18 and Up
Rating: 4 Stars
~ I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ~
Book Description:
The Montgomery Ink series continues with the brother that deserves a second chance, and the woman who has always loved him.
Alex Montgomery lost his first love and then proceeded to leave himself in the bottle. Only he and his ex-wife truly know why he fell so hard and so fast down a path he never thought he’d take. Now he’s clean, out of rehab, and learning how to be a Montgomery once again—a task that isn’t quite as easy as some of his family assumes.
Tabby Collins is an honorary Montgomery and the organizational mastermind behind Montgomery Inc., the family’s construction company. She loves her planners, friends, and a certain dark-haired man who’s never given her a second glance.
Alex is slowly re-immersing himself back into the world, but the demons he faced before aren’t out of the picture, and he’ll have to learn to rely on others to make it out whole. When Alex discovers that Tabby’s life is in danger, he not only finds a way to help her but also learns the true woman behind the soft smiles he’s always seen. Their romance won’t be an easy one, but nothing this passionate and heart-pounding ever is.
Find out who your Montgomery Ink hero is on Buzzfeed!
My Review:
I was so excited when I got my hands on this book, I feel like I have been waiting for ever to get Alex Montgomery's story and I couldn't have been more thrilled to learn that his love interest would be my favorite fictional organizer Tabby!
There is no doubt that fans of Carrie Ann Ryan's Montgomery Ink or Gallagher Brothers series will love Ink Exposed. You will find her themes of love, friendship, and family through out the book. It's one of those books that feels like you are coming home for a visit, where you can just slip right back into the family fold and relax while the world plays out around you. There is a comfort that comes with this series and even when things go askew as you know they will, because you can't have a 'Montgomery Family Reunion' with out a bit of drama, you know that it will all be okay in the end. You know that this family will come together and fight for each other and love will win out.
So are you asking yourself if that's the case then why should I pick up this book, it sounds like they are all the same? Let me tell you that they are not, each book has it's own personal demon that the Hero and or Heroine have to battle and Int Exposed takes on a challenging topic that could have gone badly except that Carrie Ann Ryan manages to pull it off with dignity and grace. Alex Montgomery is you see a recovering alcoholic. It can be scary to go into a book when you know that one of the characters is an addict because you never know how the author will treat the character or their addiction. Will they be too harsh and indifferent, will they be overly sympathetic and simpering, or will they have their characters act as though the addiction is 'no big deal' and life goes on? Thankfully for us as readers Ms. Ryan gives Alex's addiction just the amount of attention it deserves. Does it play a large roll in the book, of course because it is who Alex is now. Alex will ALWAYS be an addict, he is simply now a recovering addict. He's behaviors toward his family and friends must be addressed and acknowledged, his future is changed forever and he has to not only find out who this new Alex will be but how he will be going forward. With all that said know that while the addition must clearly play a large roll in the book it does not take over the book. There are so many dynamics going on in Alex and Tabby's story and that made me love it even more. I loved learning more about Tabby, especially more about her love of planning, (we need to be planner girls Tabby, haha) I loved watching her character development as well as Alex's. They are both two characters that have been very much been feeling as outsiders and having to learn that they are a part of an amazing family both by blood and just by friendship. This entire book is learning acceptance. Acceptance for your past, acceptance for yourself, acceptance of others, and acceptance of your future, it was really fun and heart warming to 'watch'.
Also, you guys get to meet Tabby's brother and yeah.....I can't wait for their books. I am loving these spin-offs, first the Gallagher Brothers and now Tabby's brothers will be getting their own series Whiskey and Lies....although from the sounds of it, the Whiskey and Lies series may be a bit darker and more emotional to read, but seriously I can not wait.
If you have been a fan of the Montgomery Ink series you want to read this one. Don't let Alex's challenges scare you away from his book. He deserves to tell you his story after all this time. Also, if you haven't started this series before now, I would highly suggest not starting with Ink Exposed. Technically you could pick up this series any where along the line, but especially with Alex and Tabby's story I think you need and deserve to see them through from start to finish and their journey (Alex's in particular) does not start in Ink Exposed. This is one of my favorite Contemporary Romance series so I hope that you will give it a try, I mean really who can pass up Tattooed hotties, male and female, bearded alpha hunks, sassy strong women, and a family you would die for.
There is no doubt that fans of Carrie Ann Ryan's Montgomery Ink or Gallagher Brothers series will love Ink Exposed. You will find her themes of love, friendship, and family through out the book. It's one of those books that feels like you are coming home for a visit, where you can just slip right back into the family fold and relax while the world plays out around you. There is a comfort that comes with this series and even when things go askew as you know they will, because you can't have a 'Montgomery Family Reunion' with out a bit of drama, you know that it will all be okay in the end. You know that this family will come together and fight for each other and love will win out.
So are you asking yourself if that's the case then why should I pick up this book, it sounds like they are all the same? Let me tell you that they are not, each book has it's own personal demon that the Hero and or Heroine have to battle and Int Exposed takes on a challenging topic that could have gone badly except that Carrie Ann Ryan manages to pull it off with dignity and grace. Alex Montgomery is you see a recovering alcoholic. It can be scary to go into a book when you know that one of the characters is an addict because you never know how the author will treat the character or their addiction. Will they be too harsh and indifferent, will they be overly sympathetic and simpering, or will they have their characters act as though the addiction is 'no big deal' and life goes on? Thankfully for us as readers Ms. Ryan gives Alex's addiction just the amount of attention it deserves. Does it play a large roll in the book, of course because it is who Alex is now. Alex will ALWAYS be an addict, he is simply now a recovering addict. He's behaviors toward his family and friends must be addressed and acknowledged, his future is changed forever and he has to not only find out who this new Alex will be but how he will be going forward. With all that said know that while the addition must clearly play a large roll in the book it does not take over the book. There are so many dynamics going on in Alex and Tabby's story and that made me love it even more. I loved learning more about Tabby, especially more about her love of planning, (we need to be planner girls Tabby, haha) I loved watching her character development as well as Alex's. They are both two characters that have been very much been feeling as outsiders and having to learn that they are a part of an amazing family both by blood and just by friendship. This entire book is learning acceptance. Acceptance for your past, acceptance for yourself, acceptance of others, and acceptance of your future, it was really fun and heart warming to 'watch'.
Also, you guys get to meet Tabby's brother and yeah.....I can't wait for their books. I am loving these spin-offs, first the Gallagher Brothers and now Tabby's brothers will be getting their own series Whiskey and Lies....although from the sounds of it, the Whiskey and Lies series may be a bit darker and more emotional to read, but seriously I can not wait.
If you have been a fan of the Montgomery Ink series you want to read this one. Don't let Alex's challenges scare you away from his book. He deserves to tell you his story after all this time. Also, if you haven't started this series before now, I would highly suggest not starting with Ink Exposed. Technically you could pick up this series any where along the line, but especially with Alex and Tabby's story I think you need and deserve to see them through from start to finish and their journey (Alex's in particular) does not start in Ink Exposed. This is one of my favorite Contemporary Romance series so I hope that you will give it a try, I mean really who can pass up Tattooed hotties, male and female, bearded alpha hunks, sassy strong women, and a family you would die for.
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