Today we are celebrating the release of WHISKEY SOUR by Nazarea Andrews. Whiskey Sour is an adult contemporary romance, standalone novel, and it is the fourth book in the River Street Bar series.
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Author: Nazarea Andrews
Publication Date: 27 September 2018
Publisher: Self-Publisished
Series: River Street Bar, book 4
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Menage
Age Recommendation: 18 and Up
Rating: 3 Stars
~ I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ~
Book Description:
Calvin Landers is a mess. He has a great job and a steady string of men and women in his bed, and has been in love with the same couple for so long he can't remember a time when he wasn't. Coming off fresh heartbreak, he's ready to move on, to give up on romance and sex altogether and moves in with his best friend, Davis, while he looks for something more permanent and tries to figure out what the hell he's doing with his life. Ava Liu isn't looking for anything more than something to distract her from the book she's supposed to be translating. Something to distract her from why the hell she's in River City in the first place. But the boys who share a fence are more than a little distracting and pushy, when they realize just how much Ava needs someone--and how much they all need each other. Sometimes life happens just when you stop looking.

My Review:
So this one is a little hard for me because I have loved this series and it's not that I don't still love it but Whiskey Sour sadly left me wanting. I loved the idea of this couple, I wanted it to work and on some level it did. I worked really well between Davis and Ava and Calvin and Davis, but some how the three of them together never felt cohesive. I never felt like Calvin was truly apart of the relationship, it's more that he knew the only way he could have the love of his life, Davis was to also take on Ava.
I loved the relationship between Calvin and Davis and honestly think this could have been a straight up M/M book and been perfect but Ava feels forced and I can't quite figure out why she's really there. Is is because Calvin had a Menage relationship prior to this one and so he has to stay in a menage? I don't think that had to be the case, if Davis is the love of his life as we are told they could have easily settled down together and his menage past would be just that his past. I liked the friendship of Ava and I will admit when they finally come together as a trio in the bedroom it is HOT, it's just when they are outside of it that I don't get it.
I also am not a huge fan of the story line with the past Menage. I don't get that, they gave Calvin away and then decide that they want him back and so they start lurking about. I would be pissed, as Davis rightly is, but honestly Calvin should have been too.
In the end while I enjoyed the story as a whole, actually I quite liked the suspense aspect, it left me questioning and wanting and that was just disappointing. I will absolutely still read and enjoy this series because I have seen what Nazarea can give us and she can give us some beautiful relationships, (she did here with Calvin and Davis) I just feel liked she may have tried to force something that wasn't really there. Bring book 5 on through because I am totally in with this series and one book that left me wanting won't ruin all the goodness that came before it or will come after, we can't win them all!
There’s a man there, in faded jeans and a green henley and a big grin—although, that grin kind of stutters, dips into confused and speculative as he stares at me.
“Uh. This is—I’m looking for 9800 Blackmore Lane?”
I point to the side, where the old Miller house is sitting in all its innocent glory. “I’m 8900. Go bang on the right door.”
He gives me an apologetic smile and wags a coffee at me.
It’s a coffee from Cool Beans Cafe, something I only get when I can talk Kip into grabbing it before she drops in. And that’s rare enough—she has opinions about how much coffee I drink.
“Peace offering?” he says, with a hopeful little smile that shouldn’t be as charming as it is.
I huff and snatch it from him, inhaling the scent. I give a tiny noise, soft and satisfied. Then I blink, because a stranger is still standing on my porch staring at me, bemused.
“Sorry for snapping,” I mumble.
He laughs. “Sorry for being the unobservant dick who woke you up so early.” I smile at that, pleased, and he extends a hand. “Davis Emmerson. I’m moving into 9800.”
“And you don’t know what it looks like?” I say skeptically.
He laughs and blushes, rubbing the back of his neck in the most adorable display of self-conscious embarrassment I’ve ever seen. “Yeah, no. My best friend is moving in first—he came yesterday. He picked the place. I’m just here for the excellent wifi.”
Oh. Interesting.
“Well, I’m sorry, ma’am. I’ll let you get back to your morning.”
“Ava,” I offer shyly and he glances back at me. “My name. It’s Ava.”
A smile slips over his face and he nods. “You should come by tomorrow. I’m making cookies.”
Surprise flickers in his gaze, but he grins as he backs down the stairs. “I will. See you soon, Miss Ava.”
I breathe through the flush on my skin and shut the door as he hits the sidewalk. Then I sit in my favorite chair and slowly savor my coffee, letting my mind drift aimlessly while I do.
It’s only when the coffee is gone and I’ve dressed and done my makeup for the day—it’s only then that I panic.
I have no fucking clue how to make cookies.

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